Wednesday, November 12, 2014

First Blog

As you can see, this is my first blog. I have tried before to make a sort of blog on Facebook, but not many people on my friends list were interested in what I had to say mostly because it was about nerdy history. This blog was about Nintendo and I detailed some of the company's history and then the history of some of their franchises. I loved writing about Nintendo and their franchises, but my love was not shared by the people that are on my list. I even came up with a cool name for it and had pictures and everything! "Now You're Playing With Power" was the name of my blog. That was the slogan that Nintendo used back in the 80's when the NES was around and I thought it was cool, so I "borrowed" it and used it for the name of my unsuccessful blog. Also, I am not a very good writer and my grammar and prose and such are lacking so I can understand why people would not be interested.
I am writing this blog as I listen to a podcast from about Nintendo and what they are up to right now. The purpose of me writing this is for my computer class, but I am not seeing this as simply an assignment, but as a way to write down my thoughts as they come to my head. Seriously, the first thing that pops up in my head is being typed. Sounds like I am writing a diary or something, but diaries are for girls! This is a blog!
Anyway, I am not sure what else to include in this first blog, so I am going to finish at that. Peace out! See you around! lol, jk…something internet-sounding.

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